Halloween: Get the Vibe Tastefully
As Halloween is approaching I have been seeing a lot of decorations popping up around town. It has gotten me thinking…how can a person decorate for Halloween but stay true to their personal style? Halloween doesn’t have to be all ghosts and goblins or scary. You can use a small amount of black or orange or spiders or…to get the vibe of Halloween across.
So, that started me on a google search. Halloween decorating. Nope, that brought up a LOT of black and orange! Ok, how about classy Halloween decorating? Huh! That brought up a whole bunch of really great images! So here are a few I found that I think would look great with many styles. Have a look and let us know what you think!
I love these. I would definitely make these! These are just regular old pumpkins but used in a new way. Images: Pinterest
White pumpkins used be a real novelty but I am finding they are around more this year. They still aren’t at most super markets but can be found easily at local fruit and vegetable markets. Then, instead of carving the pumpkins, these ones are glittered. Just “paint” the pumpkin with white glue with the pattern of your choice - you could free hand it or stencil it and then sprinkle glitter on them. I think this is very effective!
By adding just these little pumpkins painted black and made into “bats it changes the whole mantle scape. Image: Pinterest
Here it looks like the stylist has just added to the everyday decorations usually on this mantle. By adding just these little pumpkins painted black and made into “bats
it changes the whole mantle scape. It is just enough that it gives the “vibe” without using a lot of decorations. If you used little orange pumpkins it may read as Thanksgiving or Fall decorating more than Halloween. By painting them black there is no mistake this is for Halloween.
Black and white as opposed to orange and black. Image: Pinterest
This one is getting into some pretty major decorating but I think even if you scaled this back it would be effective. I do like the idea of black and white as opposed to the orange and black. It’s just a little more unexpected. If you just used black boas and white pumpkins it would still look great!
This picture shows a similar idea. Here they use orange pumpkins but have added some “spider web” and little spiders to take it into the Halloween realm. Image: Pinterest
Using white and orange pumpkins together. Image: Pinterest
This one here could be used for Thanksgiving or Halloween. If you painted a couple of the little pumpkins in black it would be more Halloween and less Thanksgiving but it a good option for using pumpkins in a unique way.
These would be a very simple votive to do for a Halloween table or on the mantle. With very little effort, everyday votives become decorations for Halloween. Image: Pinterest
Using tacks in an unexpected way. Image: Pinterest
Ok, these are pretty cool. I love the idea of painting a few pumpkins in dark grey and then using tacks to make a design on them!
Have you seen this idea before? Basically, you take all the innards of the pumpkin out and then use a drill to make uniform holes. I’ve done this before and the effect is really great, but I imagine it would take a little patience if you want them to be this symmetrical! Image: Pinterest
Black and White! Image: Pinterest
I really like this idea. Many people have black banisters with white spindles. By reinforcing that black with this black chain and boa it really gives it the Halloween vibe while staying true to the colours of this home. Love it!
From Thanksgiving to Halloween. Image: Pinterest
Again here is a decoration that could go from Thanksgiving to Halloween. You could do this at Thanksgiving and then add the “boo!” for Halloween. Great way to extend your decorating!
Some easy lighting ideas. Image: Pinterest
This is the same idea as the drilled pumpkins only using black painted cans. I think I’d like to try this. This is a decoration you could pull out each year-put the effort in one year but get many years of enjoyment from them!
I hope this gives you a few new ideas you could try that may work better with your own personal style.
We’d love to see some pictures of how you decorate for Halloween. Send them our way and we can post them!!