Happy Holidays from BHD
How are your holiday preparations going? I usually try to hold off doing too much before Dec 1, but this year I got going a little early. As I plan ahead to celebrations, menus, gift giving, decorating, list making, recipe finding, and cooking that goes along with the season I wonder how others prepare for the inevitable business of this time of year. Do you wing it, or do you have a formula you follow each year to keep you ahead of the mayhem? I tend to be a list maker so I have several lists on the go!
Festive decorations, Image: Todd Trapani, Unsplash
As this year comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect on where we are as a collective. So much has happened to and in this world in the last few years it is hard not to get bogged down with the weight of it all. There have been times over the last few years where I have just wanted to escape and bury my head in the sand. At those moments I give myself a news break and try and focus on my own little world. I zoom in and just take care of my own head and heart and before long I find the energy to zoom out again and view the world as a collective reminding myself we can do both, zoom in and zoom out. Taking care of ourselves and our own community not only serves ourselves but leaks out and serve the greater good as well.
Simple home made stars group together creates a festive atmosphere. Image: Markus Spiske, Unsplash
So, as I prepare for the month ahead, I am remembering to take in all the little moments; the glimmering lights around town feel like such a connection to others. As the neighbourhoods light up it is like the houses are more connected somehow. I feel it every year and just love when it gets dark and all the homes light up. I was reminiscing the other day about a flock of Canada geese I saw flying in V formation this time last year. For some reason they really caught my eye as I realized, even with all the turmoil in the world, Mother Nature still continues. She just carries on. It was a good reminder to look around me and see all the beauty that exists.
Gift wrapping can be a time to spend some quality creative together. Image: Mel Poole, Unsplash
This year has brought many joys and changes to our family. My older son got married which was absolutely wonderful and then my nephew got engaged so we have yet another wedding to look forward to! We have had some wonderful travels this year and have some more travel in the works. We are in the go-go stage of life where we are getting s much traveling in a we can before we hit the slow-go stage!
Holiday baking and decortating can be fun for all ages. Image: Diliara Garifullina, Unsplash
On the business front, I have had a great year. Being in an office with four other designers has just been so much fun. We all have our own company but working in an office with other designers is so rewarding and has just been the best move. I can honestly say working alongside these women has brought me so much happiness this year. We are building our sample library and we have product reps coming by and keeping us up to date on the latest and greatest. We also have been reaching out to other designers to host Lunch and Learns which is a great way to meet other designers and build our design community here in Victoria.
There is something magical about all the lights this time of the year. Image: Mourad Saadi, Unsplash
I have also had wonderful projects this year in Victoria and I am so grateful for the amazing clients who have trusted me with their design visions and projects. I don’t take it lightly. Thank you for letting me help you make your house your home. It is always an honour to work alongside you.
I wish you all the very best as we head into the holiday season. However you celebrate, may your celebrations fill your heart.
Happy Holidays!